A Long Goodbye
 For whatever reason, I’m taking time to share this while making lentil soup for my father who is dying. It’s going to be slow and painful and there’s nothing to be done except work within the parameters of managing his comfort.   Not your normal Christmas Newsle... I MISS YOU SO MUCH IT HURTSMy recent highs and lows are always a surprise because I am normally steady in temperament, upbeat and optimistic. My default is optimism, looking for the silver lining, the gift in the delay, the light in the dark, the lesson in the conflict. I’ve read that others are also feeling extreme shifts in emotions day to day, and that does bring a small comfort. This pend... SHREDS OF EVIDENCEFollowing my insight into choosing to attend to my TO DO list from love, self-care, patience, because I’ll feel good  rather than shoulding myself into compliance, this shift allowed the free flow of energy to become instantly available for forward motion. Years of files I don’t need to keep anymore ‘just in case’ were reviewed and then shredded, systematically because the shredder ca... A NEW WAY TO DOIn my training as a Gestalt Therapist a lifetime ago, I learned about the inner world of SHOULDS. Should, must, have to, ought to…the enormous burden these mandates carry, the stench of guilt and the depletion of joy. Sounds dramatic, but really, how many of you are chronically suffering from not being productive enough right now when you have all this time t... SPRING REFLECTIONS
Reflections on this unprecedented time.